When I arose this morning I knew that today was going to be tough. The skies were bleak and the rain was tumbling in torrents from the thick black clouds. Doh! This was my allocated day for the picturesque Bled. Oh Well!
So off I went to the Bus Station and purchased my ticket to Bled (about an 1.15 from Ljubljana and 6.30 Euro).
Quick Tip 1: Bus Station is next to the Train Station and very easy to use.
As the bus meandered through the Slovenian countryside I was struck by the beauty of the day. The mist clung to the trees as if it had been snagged by bare spidery branches. OK - today was going to be good.
On my arrival in Bled the rain appeared to have gotten worse. Thank heavens for that Umbrealla. Once off the bus I hightailed it downhill toward the lake and when the castle came into view I actually gasped outloud. I was the only one on the street, in the torrential rain, staring open-mouthed at Lake Bled and its Castle.
The Castle sits atop a 300 metre high cliff that lourdes over the Lake like a Master. It's very grand, very cool and everything you'd expect a Medieval Castle to be. It's then that you see the tear-shaped island in the middle of the lake (apparently Slovenia's only Island) with it's solitary Church and have another "clutch the pearls" moment.
Quick Tip 2: Always pack a collapsable umbrella
After a quick pitstop at the Info centre I boarded the Gondola to the island (the only person on that passage...a little bit "Don't Pay the Ferryman"). The lake itself is exquisite, the boat glided effortlessly across the water and appeared as if it was sliding on glass. No current disturbed the mineral green water which was made even more errily beautiful as raindrops erupted the waters surface accompanied by the softest of patters.
Once on the island itself I climbed the ancient steps to the Church of St Mary determine to ring the Wishing Bell (good title for a book). And did I give that Bell a yank! It's not every day you get to ring the Church Bells (on an Island in Slovenia no less). Legend has it that the original Bell was made the widow Polyxena von Kreigh in memory of her murdered Husband. Unfortunately the Bell was lost to the waters of Lake Bled as on it's journey to the island a tempest arose sinking the boat containing the Bell. Lovely Polyxena (I'm reading it as Pollyanna) so distraught by this misfortune took herself to a Nunnery where she remained until her death. On hearing of this the Church made a new bell and it was brought to the island in 1534. Apparently all that ring the Bell will have their wishes granted as way of thanks to Polyxena. So, that means I'm hosting the Australian telecast of Eurovision 2010 in Oslo with Julia Zemero for SBS. Bad luck Sam Pang (you contributed NO Eurovision history to this years telecast).
On my return from the Island the rain had gotten worse (and I'm not sure that was possible) but on the advice of the waitress from a local cafe I walked up the road to Bled Castle. And it was worth it - but only for the views. The Castle itself has been over-processed (gift stores, vid rooms, cafes etc etc) and loses a lot of the mystique that it projects when you see it from the ground. Pity the day was so misty as the photo's did not do it justice.
Quick Tip 3: When it rains in Slovenia where water proof shoes.
Sodden and a bit grumpy (and quite a few Euro lighter) I hightailed it back to the Bus Station and the eventual safety (read: dry) of Ljubljana.
On the bus ride back to Ljubljana I got a little lost in my thoughts. As I'm reading Patrick Ness' awesome Young Adult Fiction debut The Knife of Never Letting Go, whose main character can hear the thoughts (Noise) of others including animals (his dog Manchee), I got to ponder - do Slovenian Ducks Speak in Slovene? And if they do and I could hear them would it be in Slovene or would I translate them internally (similar to the Companions in Dr Who who are granted the gift of language by the TARDIS). Or is this the just the hardcore cold I have sending me into dementia.
Eurovision Rating: All boy band in matching outfits singing a Euro-trash Dance song. Catchy but in-offensive tune. Qualifies for Final but does not make Top 15.
Tomorrow: Zagreb, Croatia.